Deck log: July 8, 2014

Deck log: July 6-8, 2014

Deck log: July 6-8, 2014
Click on images to enlarge

July 8 – Tuesday
0600 –    All Hands Muster
0630 –    Guests and sailing deckhands join ship;
POB: 53; draft: fwd: 11’9” aft: 13′ 6”
0645 –    Tie up to tug Sirius and tug Jaguar
0652 –    Securite call on 13 and 16 regarding
departure from State Pier, New Bedford, MA
0655 –    Guests receive safety briefing, including
all don PFD’s, which are then removed & stowed
0711 –    Last line aboard; AIS:VRAM
0729 –    Exit New Bedford Harbor via Hurricane
Barrier; set fore staysail, main staysail,
mizzen staysail
0735 –    Disconnect from tug Jaguar; abeam G “15”
0745 –    Set fore lower topsail, mainsail
lower topsail, fore topmast staysail
0810 –    Exit entrance to New Bedford Harbor
entrance channel at G “5” and R “4”,
head northeast up Buzzards Bay; wind
SW F3, clear skies
0822 –    Set fore upper topsail and main upper
0842 –    Set fore t’gallant, main t’gallant, jib
0900 –    Set foresail and mainsail; wx: increased
0937 –    Strike fore t’gallant and main t’gallant,
clew up foresail and mainsail, strike
mizzen staysail

Deck log: July 8, 2014

Deck log: July 8, 2014

0955 –    Strike foresail and mainsail, fore upper topsail,
and main upper topsail
1006 –    Set Spanker; tack to stbd tack
1012 –    Strike spanker, fore staysail, fore
topmast staysail, jib
1025 –    Strike fore lower topsail, mainlower topsail
1035 –    Abeam G “1” entering Hog Island Channel
1116 –    tie up to tug Thuban to allow pilot Mark
Foley to board Charles W Morgan; disconnect
from Thuban after pilot boards.
1140 –    Tie up to tug Thuban .1 nm South of G “23”
1214 –    Alongside dock at Mass Maritime Academy
1300 –    Guests, voyagers and sailing deckhands
depart ship; POB:16
1800 –    Starboard watch stands down; Port
watch and 3rd mate takes the deck
1900 –    Sailing deckhands and voyagers board
the ship. POD: 34
1930 –    Voyagers receive safety briefing
2130 –    Security Sweeps conducted – All secure
R. Hadler, 3rd Mate