Deck log: June 19-24, 2014

Deck log: June 19-20, 2014

Deck log: June 19-20, 2014
Click on images to enlarge

June 19 – Thursday
0830 –    Ship’s work commences; all hands
fore & main shrouds retuned;
1000 –    Inspection by Vineyard Haven
Fire Department
1400 –    Attraction vessel inspection by
1600 –    Work concludes. Port watch
has the deck, starboard watch off.
1800 –    Starboard Watch (2nd Mate) take the
Deck; PORT Watch off.
2020 –    Colors
2130 –    Security Sweep; ALL SECURE
Sean S. Bercaw, 2nd Mate

1600 –    WORK CONCLUDES. Stbd. Watch ON.
1800 –    PORT Watch (3rd Mate) take the Deck;
stbd. Watch Off
2020 –    Colors
2100 –    Security Sweeps, All Secure
R. Hadler, 3rd Mate

Deck log: June 21-23, 2014

Deck log: June 21-23, 2014

June 21 – Saturday
0730 –    Port Watch turns to and
preps ship for tours
0800 –    Colors; Open ship tours for
Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse Company
0900 –    Open ship tours for the public
1700 –    Open ships tours end. Security
sweeps conducted by VSO – all clear
1730 –    Stbd. Watch (Second Mate) take the Deckhand
Port Watch off
1800 –    Reception for Mystic CAPT’S QUARTERS DONORS
1930 –    Reception ends; ship closed
Security Sweep conducted; ALL SECURE
Sean S. Bercaw, 2nd Mate

June 22 – Sunday
0730 –    Starboard Watch turns to for ships
work, rig gaff topsails
0900 –    Open ship tours for the public
1700 –    Close ship to public
(June 22 cont)
1730 –    Port Watch and 3rd Mate take the deck,
starboard watch off for the night
1800 –    Reception for MSM donors
1930 –    Reception ends ship closed. Security
Sweeps conducted; All secure.
R. Hadler, 3rd Mate

0730 –    PORT Watch turns – to; Preps ship for tours
0800 –    Ship Open to MSM members
0900 –    OPEN Ship for School Group and PUBLIC tours
1700 –    Ship closed to Public
1730 –    Stbd. Watch (2nd Watch) take the Deck; Port
Watch departs for Edgartown YC DINNER
1800 –    Ship Reception for Sail Martha’s Vineyard DONORS
1930 –    Reception ENDS, ship closed.
Security Sweep conducted – ALL SECURE
Sean S. Bercaw, 2nd Mate

Deck log: June 24-25, 2014

Deck log: June 24-25, 2014

June 24 – Tuesday
0730 –    Starboard Watch Musters; Turn-to
0800 –    CWM open to MSM Members
0900 –    OPEN Ship for School Groups and PUBLIC TOURS
1700 – Ship Closed to Public; Security Sweep Conducted
1730 –    PORT Watch (3rd Mate) take the Deckhand
Stbd. Watch Stands down
1800 –    BBQ Dinner for crew and volunteers on shore
1900 –    Sailing deckhands and voyagers join
ships company; POB: 32
2145 –    Security Sweeps conducted – all clear
R. Hadler, 3rd Mate