Joee Patterson: Cigar-Box Ukelele Deckhand Joee Patterson's ukelele, made from a cigar box and played on the Voyage
Rieta Park: Voyage Journal A Museum staff member writes, "An awesome breeze on a brilliant day! Even Brilliant sailing by!"
Dante Francomano: Cetacean Citations Hear a contemporary concert piece inspired by the soundscapes of whales and whaling and by sounds recorded during the Morgan’s 38th Voyage.
Veronica Lawlor: Sailing Through The Mist "...a thick cloud of fog and mist settled over the ship. In that magical atmosphere, she seemed transformed into another ship, from another place and time. Which, of course, she was."
Lucy Bellwood: Down to the Seas Again "A travelogue comic documenting my trip to Boston, my time sailing aboard the vessel, and my reflections on tall ship culture, authenticity, and adventure."
William Hanson: Sailing Aboard the Charles W. Morgan "One overnight and a full day on an authentic whaling ship, on the sea surrounded by whales ... the intangible things of which paintings are made."
Evan Turk: Encountering the whales Evan Turk illustrates his story of the Morgan's encounter with whales.