Joee Patterson: Cigar-Box Ukelele Deckhand Joee Patterson's ukelele, made from a cigar box and played on the Voyage
"... sailors were not really supposed to sleep. They were supposed to work. And it is in seeing them work that one truly begins to appreciate the whaleship as an intricately calibrated wood, rope, and canvas machine." Karim Tiro: Screw the Past Reflections on the extraordinary range in the life of the nineteenth-century whaleman.
"How would we, the voyagers, find quiet moments for reflection on this remarkable voyage? How would we behave among strangers?" Wyn Kelley: The Bunk "The bunks looked clean, simple, graceful, light. I tried to imagine sleeping in one. For the next ten weeks I tried to imagine sleeping in one. Those bunks looked hard."
Stowaway: Tales from the fo’c’sle Light pours in from above: a deck prism illuminates life in the fo'c'sle.