Alexandra McInturf
Alexandra McInturf is a recent graduate of Williams College and an alumna of the Maritime Studies Program of Williams College and Mystic Seaport. After receiving degrees in Biology and English, she spent a post-graduate year in the field for elasmobranch research in South Africa and the Bahamas. Having experienced the final stages of the restoration of the Charles W. Morgan during her semester with the Williams-Mystic program, she returned to Mystic to explore the connection between modern science and whaling history on the ship. She will pursue a doctorate in Animal Behavior at the University of California–Davis.

History Alive: The Future of the Past

Ishmael’s Plankton Net: Teaching Marine Science Aboard the Charles W. Morgan
The Pressure Is On: From Whales to Conservation

Whaling Through Wind and Weather

Eavesdropping on Echolocation

The Greatest Naturalists on Earth

Secchi Disk: The Scientific Frisbee

A Living, Breathing Nutrient-Recycling Bin