Log: May 22, 1910

The CHARLES W. MORGAN was sailing the Southern Atlantic before returning home to New Bedford in June of the same year.  Under command of Captain Charles S. Church, the logbook for this day states, “This day commenced with a fresh breeze from the SSW.  Ship on the port tact.  Under plain sail.  At 9:45AM Mr. Francis raised sperm whales right ahead going to leeward.,  At 10:30 lowered four boats.  All four boats struck.  Larboard boat lost whale.  Got whales to ship at 3 PM.  All hands had dinner.  At 4:30 commenced cutting – finished at 6:20 PM.  All  hands had supper.  Set the watch for the night   Threw over board one (bottle paper)     So ends  this day.  Peter Jackson employed in picking (okum)”

From the book The Whale and His Captors. Published in 1850.

From the book, The Whale and His Captors. Published in 1850.