Log: May 21, 1870


CHARLES W. MORGAN was sailing on her 8th voyage in the Southern Pacific off the coast of Chile.  On this day the log states, “First part commences with cloudy & Modrate weather breeze from the Westerd 3 Boats off chaseing one Whale 2 other Ships Boats aftir the same Whale at 4 P.M 6 Sails in sight at 5 P.M took in sail & wore Ship to the South Middle part wind to the Southerd. heading to the Easterd Latter part fine weather at Day light Made sail 2 Sails in sight at 8 A.M wore Ship to the Southerd wind .SE. so ends Masafura* in sight.”

Drawing by Robert Weir. Log of the CLARA BELL. Log 164, G.W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport.

Drawing by Robert Weir. Log of the CLARA BELL. Log 164, G.W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport.

*“Masafura” or Mas Afuera is an island off the coast of Chile also known as Alexander Selkirk Island, named after a marooned sailor who became the inspiration behind the novel Robinson Crusoe.