Log: May 18, 1869

May 18, 1869: CHARLES W. MORGAN was sailing on her 8th voyage in the South Pacific off the coast of Chile under command of Captain George Athearn.  Logbook entry for this date states, “a bout 4 P.M Bow boat struck clost to Me took a bout all off his line I went on & killd the Whale at 5 P.M had him a long side at .7 P.M all ready for cutting & set the watches for the Night Middle & Latter part fine weather light breeze from the Southerd at Day light hooked on began to cut so ends all hands Employed in cutting.”

Log of the CLARA BELL. Log 164, G.W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport.

Log of the CLARA BELL. Log 164, G.W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport.

Long and laborious was the process of catching and processing whales while at sea.