Log: June 2, 1842

CHARLES W. MORGAN was sailing in the Central Pacific near South America on her maiden voyage under Captain Thomas Norton.  The log entry for this day states, “Begins with strong breezes from the NE. saw a breach one point, off our Weather Bow, 6 miles off. Middle a sail in sight. Last part spok the Barque Susan of Salem.”


Image from log of the CLARA BELL. Log 164, G.W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport.

Image from log of the CLARA BELL. Log 164, G.W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport.

CHARLES W. MORGAN was one of hundreds of wooden whaling vessels actively scouring the globe for their share of whales. “Spoke” is term used for communicating with a vessel.