Katharine Mead: Voyage Journal

Katharine Mead pg. 1


Date August 2014  Page Kept By: Katharine Mead, Program Coordinator for the 38th Voyage

I’ve been working on this project at Mystic Seaport since March of 2013. Below is an annotated map of my summer:

I was on board for…

May 17: Towed out the Bascule Bridge with spectators cheering, fireboat spraying, cannons firing!

July 8: Leaving New Bedford at Mike Dyer read a list of NB names who crewed CWM. A shorter day, towing to meet the rising tide at the canal’s mouth.

July 13: the third sailing off Provincetown, after hearing magnificent accounts of sailing with whales. There was too much wind this day to repeat that feat in Stellwagon, but I still got to go aloft, reminded of my dad saying I’m likely the first in our family to go aloft on a square-rigger since Richard Henry Dana. Jr, my g-g-g-g-grandfather!

July 23: slept in a wickedly hot fo’c’sle, followed by 13 hours towing, but my best day: Cape Cod Canal, long contestations, and nearly concluding the voyage!

I’ll remember…

A: beginning/ending in Mystic. CWM @ Chubb’s wharf= big impact!

B: My rental car was pulled over in Warwick for an expired reg., but the officer had heard about CWM in Newport and let me go switch cars at the airport!

C: Finding the ferry in Wood’s Hole- so many methods of transportation used.

D: The homecoming celebration in New Bedford was full of gratitude from so many- Senators, cultural groups, harbor officials.

E: Sleeping aboard the schooner Mystic Whaler, rafted up with the Morgan in Provincetown Harbor, rocking all night

F: The CWM featured at Fenway Park, seeing her next to the USS CONSTITUTION from atop Bunker Hill, and our most visitors yet!

A summer to never forget.

Thanks, MORGAN!